Ah, Independence Day. A day off, BBQ's, fireworks, and many 5K opportunities. I feel like I should go into why we celebrate this day and how many of us (including me) tend to forget it's importance. I won't (you're welcome) but I encourage all of us to look beyond the "day off" and understand the significance of our American holidays and the all to often painful sacrifices that were made so you can toss a burger on the grill and grab a cool one from the cooler.
The Posse traveled to Everett for a 4th of July 5K. Neighbors Mitch and Angie (and their two kids) met us there. Rita, another neighbor, carpooled with Albert, Sharon, and I - you start to wonder if we live in some kind of running commune. Aside from the robes, chanting, and matching running shoes we're not so different from other neighborhoods...
The "Y" sponsored this race and their organization was impressive. A clean clear course, an army of volunteers, tunes crankin from the DJ, and even a few words from the mayor before the race. Additionally they coordinated a 10K, 5K, 1 mile dash, and a kids run. It came off like clockwork. A challenge at all races is to get in that last potty stop. This one was no different. You would think that we'd factor this in and stop sucking down coffee in route to the course. We don't. Common to this challenge is the women's line double or triple the length of the men's. Why? Sure, there are a few more women running 5K's these days but how their line always snakes out of the restroom and down the hall is beyond me. Maybe it's because women can't go to the john alone. They have to take two or three with them. Can you picture me trying to round up a couple men to come to the bathroom with me? Yes, have bail money ready and call my mom. This situation is especially troublesome for Sharon who frequents the restroom like an old friend. Time was short and the line long. She quickly noticed that the men's line was nearly zip and you guessed it, shifted lines by shouting to the crowd, "Look out boys, I'm comin in" and with that she disappeared.
I was jazzed about today's run because Albert was going to run with me, pace me. Help push me closer to a new record. For the first time I ran without my music - I wanted to hear my instructions clearly. He was great. Reminders to relax, breath, take short strides, etc echoed throughout the race. I think I let him down. I ran a good race, in fact it was my sixth fastest (yes, I keep metrics on all my runs and races). I came in slower that I think we both thought. It was warm....our Garmins both reflected that the race was a bit longer than a 5K, but so what. The time on the clock is all that counts when you cross the finish line. I will say without question that I ran faster and finished stronger because of Albert. Towards the end of the race we rounded the corner and could see the finish line. A guy was just ahead and I heard Albert say "Let's take this guy"....or something similar - I don't hear as well near the end of a race. As we passed him Albert shouts "Don't slow down". We keep the kick and finish strong, not letting the intruder close the gap. Turns out that passing that guy enabled me to take 3rd place in my division. Thanks Albert!
I can't comment much on Mitch or Sharon. Once the race started Mitch was off and the next time I saw him he was relaxing at the finish - waiting for the rest of us. He finished first in his age division! I'm running 400's with him this Friday at the track. Pain with a bit of fun mixed in I predict. We saw Sharon through the first turn and then with little apparent effort she found her gear and was gone. It must really suck to be one of those fast guys up front and see her blaze by. Forget it boys, you won't catch her. Sharon finished first in her age division and was second overall (women). Rita was running her first 5K in a long time and was amazing. She had a strong finish and a very fast recovery - meaning she will be even faster next time. And there will be a next time! Angie and the kids ran the 1 mile - in flops! Angie is a runner, an athlete. It's clear their kids will be runners too.
Our next 5K will be in mid August with the proceeds going to Children's Hospital. After the care they showed my son, they'll have my financial support and best effort I can muster. Speaking of effort, I'm toying with a couple new ideas. One being doing the 2009 Seattle Half Marathon in November. The other being tackling the 2010 Bare Buns Run at Washington's Nudist Colony. Looks like I'll need to start doing a few more crunches. Won't hurt to pick up a bottle of spray tan either....
Sunday, July 5, 2009
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