Friday, February 14, 2014

Virgin Marathon Part II

Halfway there!  It's hard to believe that I'm less than three months away from my first marathon.  In fact I have but a short 12 weeks to go.  I'm at the point in my training where every week is new territory, be it the daily mileage or the long runs.  The feeling I have is strange  because I'm nervous yet excited for each new week.  Some of that is the challenge of what I can actually accomplish but mixed with the emotions and doubt that creep in when I look too far forward in my training plan and see the 18 and 20 milers and the weekly miles rising high on the horizon. 
There are many pros so far. I'm running more days and more miles than ever before and (let's all knock on wood) I'm injury free.  Sure I have that ache here and there but I'm also 54 years old and still manage to find a pimple stopping by to say hi from time to time.  I've not missed a single run nor have I been unable to complete one.  I find it much like a job.  You know what needs to be done so show up early, give that little extra, and take pride in a good day's work, or in this case a successful run.  The support I am getting is tremendous. I'm not sure how anyone can do this without it. I'm grateful for it. The most surprising thing however has to be that I have found that I love running with a partner.  I had become a loner on the road, running with my ipod and not wanting to be bothered.  Now I look forward to it and from time to time there are 3-4 of us.
There are some cons.  I never seem to have enough Vaseline.  While I use it like crazy, places that shouldn't be raw tend to be raw.  In turn I walk like I've been riding a horse and now have a phobia about having my nipples face directly into the shower.  My running shoes are dead and the second pair were purchased  a couple weeks ago - pair number three is happening next week.  I'm losing weight yet always hungry and those 20,000 pushups I did no longer show the effect they once did.  I'm also now waking up at 3:30 in order to get my workout in before work.  That I don't mind as much as the gym is empty and my favorite treadmill untouched.
Sharon's training plan has been great so far - not easy but great. Saturdays are up to 16 miles and Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are 7 miles each.  The pace isn't fast but I'm training for distance and not for speed this time.  As mentioned, I'm enjoying the Saturdays run now that she's running with me. We talk but she knows when I need quiet to push up a hill or simply finish the next mile or two in a distance I've never ran.  Last week I was dying on the last mile and my form was shot to shit.  I know she was telling me to straighten up, drop my shoulders, and something about my stride.  I looked at her and thought "I might be dead right now, just want to get home, exhausted, nipples hurt" but I smiled and mumbled "thank you".  That girl gives me no slack and pushes me every week.  That's exactly what I need though I might not always communicate it.
12 weeks to go.  Hundreds of miles.  All for the chance to complete 26.2 in May without failure.  Sounds silly doesn't it?  What's sillier is that the 26.2 will probably mean more to me that all the miles that lead up to the marathon.  I hope not.  I hope I look back at the journey instead.  Time will tell, right now I need to go find some more Vaseline.