Sunday, April 24, 2011

Knock on Wood

My blogs reflect how I feel and what I think. Often they reflect a moment in time - a slice of how I feel that day. Other times it's something deeper, something that pulsates through me that I cannot control - I have to write about it in my own way.  I proof them a couple times before before I hit the publish button. Sometimes I laugh. Sometimes I cry. Sometimes both. Once or twice I might have uttered the words "stick that in your pipe and smoke it" (my dad used that phrase from time to time).  Lately the feedback is that my blogs are a tad angry and have one too many colorful words in them. True....and false. Ok, maybe more true than false. You will not find a single dirty, colorful, toilet bound word in my blog today. 

I ran yesterday. Hee hee (see, happy not angry).  82 minutes of walking for two minutes, running for six, repeating until done. It wasn't about speed. It wasn't about form. It wasn't about training for a future race. Good Golly Miss Molly it wasn't even about hitting a certain mileage target.  I just ran. I felt pretty good after the run - stretched and rolled after just to maintain my routine of prevention/recovery. Funny how you think all about prevention when you have an injury and tend to let it slip your mind when you feel fine. Why do we do this?  Maybe because prevention takes time - which few of us have in surplus. I am now a believer. It has been preached to me for some time (Sharon) and reiterated by Dr Annie during my active release sessions. Will I continue to listen or will my thick head push it down to the recesses of my brain where the unimportant stuff resides? Stuff you don't really need but somehow feel like you have to keep it -who won the World Series in 89, geometry, always put the lid down when you're done, "i" before "e" except after...after...rats....

The run. I felt great. Knock on wood. Why knock on wood? We do that for luck. We do it because we are superstitious. We do it to ward off the evil of bad luck. I knocked on wood while wondering how I would feel later in the day and more important - the next day. Well here it is, day two. How do I feel?  Pretty good I must say. The areas previously causing me to whimper and ask for my mommy feel ok today. I know they are there lurking in the background but they are in the background. That's where they will stay. Knock on wood. My calves are a tad sore but that's not really unexpected as the nearly 7 miles was the greatest distance I have traveled since early March.

Ok, one short story about my run. Though there were many of us running yesterday I ran alone - that's what happens when you walk/run. Also, I kind of like it. I love my fellow runners - love them! However at times you need to experience the trail alone. I ran the normal route and took a couple new trails which turned out to be pretty cool. Then I had to pee. When peeing in the woods one needs to find the perfect tree. A tree large enough to hide what is taking place is good. You also want to find one that gives you line of sight both in front and behind you so you know if anyone is coming. I struggled to find that tree and my bladder was very very close to release. Not having seen a soul for a while, I settled for a skinny little tree at the bend of the trail - just to be clear, I am not a skinny little tree guy. I'd be safer peeing in the California Redwoods....just sayin....Anyway, I am well  into my bladder relief process when four girls run by. Where did they come from???  Each one about 5 yards back from the next. None of them moving very fast at all. Great. Mikey, a way too skinny tree, and endless pee that cannot be shut off.  Hi girls....I'd wave but I'm a little busy right now....oh yes, beautiful day for a no, I'm fine, thanks anyway....

There is more than my running to knock on wood about. Things much more important. Taylor is having fewer seizures - knock on wood.  Cameron made the Deans List and is doing great in school - knock on wood. My mom is not yet on dialysis and maybe she can avoid that - knock on wood. The sunbeam that warmed my face has also warmed my soul and I'd like it to stay with me forever - knock on wood. For my fellow injured runners, may today be a good day and tomorrow even better - knock on wood. To those uninjured, may you stay that way and run like the wind - knock on wood (and do your injury prevention exercises daily). Well what do you know? A happy blog with zero...count them zero...bad words (pee doesn't count).

* This blog has been rated G by the Blog Association of America a fully owned subsidy of the Motion Picture Association of America.

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