Saturday, May 14, 2011

Run Free

I ran the trail today, 60 minutes in fact. Before you get all overly impressed, note that I ran what I call 4/6's - 4 minutes of walking followed by 6 minutes of running. Repeating this for an hour works out to be 24 minutes walking, 36 running.  Oh baby look at me go!  Did I burst your bubble?  Are you asking yourself wasn't Michael a runner once?  What happen to him?  Oh yeah, I think he 'used to' run. Yeah yeah yeah whatever...I'm still here so don't write me off just yet. Just going through a bit of rehab - nothing like the Betty Ford Clinic or anything (though it was a close call with those little yellow pills). In fact I got to ride to the trail with the long bus team - Wendy, Kyle the Giant, and Sharon. I'll be a long bus runner again so save me a seat. I'd like the exact one I had today please.

Freaky thing about having minor injuries is that just prior to moving from a walk to a run you get nervous. Will I be ok? Will my hip, knee, foot, ankle, toe, belly button hurt?  The first few steps speak volumes and to a degree dictate your run or lack thereof. As my first 4 minutes concluded my foot landed and the crunch of pea gravel yielded no negative shock waves. The next step hit the dirt followed by another and another. Still nervous but I felt pretty good. My hip (it's really my right butt cheek but 'hip' is so much more family friendly) was a little tight however no pain radiated from that tush. My knee was ok.

I ran alone but knew my friends were out there with me, running the various trails. Eventually paths cross and you toss a head nod, raise a hand to wave, or mutter "looking good" - we say that to each other no matter how sad, tired, ragged, or beat one actually looks. It's a bit more motivating than "Hey Michael you look like crap, sure are breathing hard their buddy, this run sure is beating the hell out of you today"...Support, gotta love it.

15 minutes in to the run I saw Steve coming toward me. I was ready for a quick "looking good" but instead he pointed to a trail head and asked if I'd been on it. I replied that I hadn't and asked if he had. "Nope" was his response followed by a "let's take it". We slide through the gate and the Lewis and Clark expedition was on. I had about a minute left on my walk segment as I watched Steve scamper away. Scamper probably isn't the right word choice. Steve ran. He has been on the injured reserved list for some time and I really haven't ran with him. Seeing him run down the twisting trail was cool. He looked like I always thought he would. Great form, focused, a bit of a smile on his face. Though I had nothing to do with his recovery, I couldn't help smiling seeing him run. He worked hard to get to where he is today - rock on Steve, you looked great!!  

The new trail was peaceful, even tranquil. Thinner than most of the trails with a creek popping up here and there. I turned off the music and listened to the water flow and the birds chatting up a storm. How cool it was. And what is this? I'm not hurting!  Maybe I should walk less, run more, run Michael, stay with the plan. It wasn't easy but I did. Finished up the run in about 65 minutes and the gang was already there stretching out. Stretching is critical and there's always chatter about the run. Seems that the running gods were smiling on us today as everyone felt pretty good. I had to skip Starbucks so I could get straight home and ice everything that had potential to rebel. Though I missed that, I had a great conversation with Becky who was kind enough to offer me a non-stop ticket home at no additional charge. Becky has made amazing progress in a very short time, logged a couple 5k's already and will only get faster. Her fantastic attitude drives her success - quite impressive. I also learned that my kids weren't the only ones to complete their homework only to forget to turn it in!!

After a very necessary shower, a nutrition clinic, trips to Run26 and Gregg's Cycle, a birthday drop off, and a stop at Starbucks, I was back home. Now I sit here writing this blog with ice wrapped around my knee just to be safe. It has been a great day - thank you. Thank you for the smiles, the laughs, the sunshine. I'm open to many many more days like today.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting your progress. I had forgotten that it is a progression to get back in shape. Last week after reading your post, I gave myself permission to run walk. Today, I ran, yes no walking, 4.5 miles! Hope you had a good run today too.
