Sunday, May 22, 2011

Two Wheels to Heaven

Two blogs in two days...wowza baby.  I woke this morning recovered from the Lord Hill episode. K, more like semi recovered. My body was reminding me that the prior days activities were a bit taxing however it was nothing to call 911 about. What helped was dinner with great friends - good company and laughter is hard to beat and I believe it's good medicine. The evening wrapped up with the fireplace and complete relaxation - I was ready for the brick workout Sunday morning.

There was sort of a plan in place to ride our new bikes after swim. I was looking forward to riding with Sharon. She's learned a lot about biking and would push me. Being somewhat of a newbie on the bike I knew I needed that. I could picture her ahead of me turning her head to see where I was only to be disgusted that I was falling behind. "Jesxx Fucxxx Chxxxx, are you some little pusxx boy or what? Pick it up or I'll drop you where you stand (or ride in this case)."  Lol! Actually she is very supportive as her runners have learned. She's a teacher first - but don't hold back with her - she can get the best out of you. 

I rode in to the Y in a light rain and as I rolled up I was nervous that I'd crash. You see I have these clips and shoes and once in them you can't get out unless you twist your heal to the outside. Everyone falls. That's the stories I've heard and I wasn't about to be that guy. I coasted to a stop, twisted my heal to the right and it popped right out - like a pro!  After talking with Sharon it was clear that our schedules weren't going to line up and I'd be on my own. Some of the group went to spin and the rest of us to the pool (oh goody). Hey now, I am getting better. Still use the fins but the lifeguards occasionally watch someone else. Progress!!

I take many rest breaks in the pool and today was no different. Sharon and Robin were in the lane next to me and for 60+ minutes they swam back and forth without stopping - amazing. Paula was a lane over and had a similar performance. Mauricio and I would glance at each other and smile as we rested, though it was unspoken, we felt lucky to have each other in a swimming world where the woman were smokin it. After a lifetime in the pool I changed and headed out on my bike.

I clipped in and was off. It was great! The shoes and clips take getting used to. You pull your foot up and the pedal comes with - how cool is that! I think there is some benefit there that I need to capture. I'm sure there is a way to increase ones power or reduce fatigue, or both. The shifters were another thing altogether. My old bike had levers down below the handle bars. This bike has them integrated into the brakes so you simply click them one way to move up the other to move down. Sounds easy but it must have been opposite day cause I struggled. The Biking Gods must have been ready to send down training wheels.

I stopped multiple times due to traffic and each time I clipped out like a champ. I biked a loop three times and loved it. I was flying, smiling, and had my quads not begun to burn, would have stayed on the road longer. But enough is enough and I didn't to push it on day one. I was also a little worried about the after effects of the bicycle seat if you know what I mean. I'm not saying I have a tender tush but a guys gotta be careful. So I turned for home and rounded the corner to my house. On the corner was a neighbor walking her dog. We toss a couple "hi's " as I slow into my driveway. She calls out "Hey, I started running again and plan on doing the Seattle Rock n Roll".  I reply "Great!" and at the same time stop the bike and take my foot off the pedal. Oh yeah, I'm clipped in. My foot won't come off the pedal. As I begin to fall and slam first against my garage door en route to the aggregate driveway, I hear a long slow Ssssshiiiiiiit rolling off my lips. I was a sight, crumbled on the ground, head and shoulder rolled up against the garage door, bike on top of me. I am that guy.

I love my bike and I look forward to long rides, some fast, some slow. I will master this two wheeled beast and find some level of competition to test myself. Help will be there and I will take all I can get. In the meantime I will continue to work on my running comeback and swimming. Come ride with me - you know you want too!

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